Friday, November 29, 2019

Fraternities Hazing free essay sample

A social problem is qualified as a problem â€Å"if the public or some segment of the public perceive the condition as a problem, and it exists when there is certain objective condition and society define it problematic. † (Nasibov) An on-going social problem among universities across the country involves college fraternities and hazing. Hazing is an issue that consistently reemerges. A large percentage of hazing incidents result in serious injuries, or at times, death. Any event that causes death and despair so often when it could be prevented is a social problem. Hazing individuals is a problem within the community and universities, and therefore society. Each year, millions of young adults apply and attend college to pursue higher education. As they begin a new chapter in their lives, they are exposed to college fraternity/sorority parties, which lead some of these individuals to pledge to become a full-member. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what they are getting themselves into, and for some, it leads to death. We will write a custom essay sample on Fraternities Hazing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This problem has been around for a long time and goes as far back as when colleges and fraternities began. Fraternities have been around as long as colleges/universities have, dating back in the early 1600s. In order to be a part of a fraternity, one has to pledge, to prove himself worthy of the house â€Å"letters† and name. This is the cause of hazing. Vivian de Klerk from Rhodes University defines hazing in her article â€Å"Initiation, Hazing or Orientation? † as a â€Å"form of initiation imposed by the group on a newcomer that leads to harassment, abuse and humiliation. † (Klerk) Such actions include physical abuse, mental abuse, favors, drugs and alcohol. According to the University of Connecticut Greek Life Council, 82% of hazing deaths were alcohol related. (UConn Greek Council) Since 2005, 59 deaths involved college fraternities and hazing, and more than 50% of those deaths were alcohol related. There was an incident in 2012, at the Northern Illinois University involving a 19 year old pledge for the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity who was killed due to alcohol intoxication. His blood alcohol was well over . 22, which is 3-4 times the blood alcohol content of legal limit. Aside from alcohol, there have been other death incidents involving hazing on college campuses. A few years ago at the University of California, Irvine, a pledge of the Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity was killed during a pledge event where he and his pledge brothers had to play football against the entire active house. He was mulled to death during the game. Also, in the article â€Å"On Hazing† by Michael J. Cholbi, Matthew Carrington from the California State University of Chico was at a Chi Tau pledging event, he was later pronounced dead after consuming a large amount of water. (Cholbi) He died of cardiac dysrhythmia. These incidents are reflective of a social problem involving young adults. Parents send their children to attend universities in pursuit of their future careers, but these young adults are forced through dangerous, sometimes life-threatening events because of their choices to join fraternities/sororities. University campuses do not condone hazing, in fact 44 states in the U. S. have anti-hazing laws. A small percentage of college students who decide to pledge are exposed to hazing rituals. But the impact of the few who lose their lives is tremendous. The college will eventually be held responsible, as well as the organization and it’s members. The family and friends of the deceased also face great agony and sorrow. Since 1970, there has been at least one hazing-related death on a college campus every year. With these incidents occurring on university grounds, it only takes one death to make it an issue. It raises awareness to other students about these organizations. Greek councils warn students about hazing, and those who are caught face severe consequences; fines, suspension, lawsuits, and the chapter’s charter can even be revoked. It is considered a serious offense. A conflict theorist sees social change as the result of struggles between different groups for power. In this case, the different groups would be the active members of the organization and the members pledging. They believe there has to be conflict in order for there to be change. Active fraternity members have all the power, and exploit the individuals who are pledging because they have no power. They must do as they are told in order to obtain active status. Pledges must earn their way to become a full-fledged member. A conflict theorist would not disagree with that notion of hazing because the ones in power make sure the ones who want the power deserve it; but the possibility of being killed in the process is different. What good will a death do the whole? Is that death benefitting anyone or anything? Did that individual die for a bigger/better cause? A functionalist, on the other hand, views society as a system of interdependent parts whose functions contribute to the stability of the system. They believe societal changes are the result of natural factors. Hazing and hazing related deaths are not natural occurrences. Functionalists believe everyone should work together to maintain social order. It takes everyone to keep the whole group stable. There is none of that when it comes to the pledging process, it is the pledge group against the whole house. Functionalist do not encourage people to take initiative and push for change. They believe everything will eventually work out naturally. After the incident at NIU, the family of the 19 year old individual sought $100,000 in their lawsuit. Functionalists would disagree with that because they believe everything will work out on it’s own, which doesn’t take legal action for it to be fixed later on. Although university students are dying because of hazing, functionalists believe everything will change naturally, of it’s own device, because society tends to do that. Word spreads quickly on college campuses if a fraternity related death happens. It strikes fear in students because fraternities are present to provide a home away from home for students, a group of individuals they share common interest with, a group they can truly call their brothers. All it takes is one incident to push students the other way, giving greek organizations a bad reputation. Not only does it affect that particular organization, it also affects legitimate organizations that do not haze. Since alcohol related deaths have increased, parents have taken it upon themselves to educate students about alcohol poisoning. The parents of a deceased Cal Poly San Luis Opisbo student, who died because of alcohol intoxication, started a group called â€Å"Awake, Aware, Alive. † Their main goal is to basically teach students how to notice the signs of alcohol poisoning, and what to do in such instances. Although the organizations who have had accidents are all suspended, meaning that recruitment is banned, it doesn’t stop them or other groups from continuing their traditions or expanding their house. Colleges and Universities can only do so much because a majority of members do not come forward, nor do individuals who have been hazed. The greek community is a very close-knit community, and nothing is ever mentioned or disclosed. It is considered tradition, and no one speaks of it. Anyone could ask a member for information and they wouldn’t disclose any information. Today, greek councils use social media to trace and track down any possible signs of hazing. They make fake accounts on media sites such as Facebook, and add known fraternity members to keep watch over them. It only takes one mistake on the members’ behalf for the council to start an investigation. Hazing is a serious issue to them, and they will ban organizations from campus or contact law enforcement. At UC Davis, a number of fraternities have been caught for hazing and have lost their charters. However, there are many active fraternities that still carry on hazing traditions, and are very good at keeping everything within their house and not exposing themselves to the public to get caught. As long as fraternities are at our colleges and universities, hazing will continue. This means hazing related deaths are bound to appear again in the future. The statistics clearly show that hazing hasn’t stopped. Until a serious law passes and changes the way fraternities pledge new members, deaths will continue to occur.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What Is Encomienda System Essays

What Is Encomienda System Essays What Is Encomienda System Paper What Is Encomienda System Paper The encomienda system was a trusteeship labor system employed by the Spanish crown during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Philippines in order to consolidate their conquests. Conquistadors were granted trusteeship over the indigenous people they conquered, in an expansion of familiar medieval feudal institutions, notably the commendation ceremony, which had been established in New Castile during the Reconquista. The encomiendo system differed from the developed form of feudalism in that it did not entail any direct land tenure by the encomendero; Indian lands were to remain in their possession, a right that was formally protected by the Crown of Castile because at the beginning of the Conquest most of the rights of administration in the new lands went to the Castilian Queen. These were laws that the Crown attempted to impose in all of the Spanish colonies in the Americas and in the Philippines. The maximum size of an encomienda was three hundred Indians, though it rarely reached near to that number. The encomenderos had the authorization to tax the people under their care and to summon them for labor, but they were not given juridical authority. In return, the encomenderos were expected to maintain order through an established military and to provide teachings in Catholicism. The little respect that the Europeans had for the Amerindians, however, helped corrupt the system rather quickly. So, what was supposed to assist in the evangelization of the Natives and in the creation of a stable society became a blatant tool of oppression. The Crown established the encomienda system in Hispaniola in May 1493. And while it reserved the right of revoking an encomienda from the hands of an unjust encomendero, it rarely did. In the papal bull Inter caetera (1493, the Borgia Pope Alexander VI had granted the western newly found lands to the Castilian Crown, on the condition that it evangelize these new lands. By this he allocated everything discovered by Columbus to the Crown of Castile, on the condition that the monarchs set about propagating the Christian faith there, and provided the lands concerned†¦Because the ultimate title of the Amerindians land lay with the Castilian Crown, the system in the New World differed in that it did not entail any direct land tenure by the encomendero. Amerindian lands were to remain in their possession, a right that was formally protected by the Crown of Castiles initial title. [5]. These were laws that the Crown attempted to impose in all of the Spanish colonies in the Americas and in the Philippines.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparative vocal tract between human and chimps that related to Research Paper

Comparative vocal tract between human and chimps that related to speech - Research Paper Example Our intellect has been gifted and even though chimpanzees have the ability to learn from humans, they are not able to make speech (Trask, 2004, p. 17). Chimps learn to communicate through sign languages. Humans can talk, discuss events, and share their knowledge of the past, present or future which distinguishes them from all other animals. With the evolution of man, there have been many changes in the biological structures as well. This is evidently seen when talking about vocal tracts which have formed as the humans evolved. Physical organs of the body have also been a part of the evolutional changes and processes. Thus, the human language is also a product of these biological changes and developments. A comparison of the vocal tracts of the chimps and humans can show clearly the differences that biological changes have brought in the language and communication abilities of these two species. This research will analyze the biological differences between the chimps and humans’ vocal tracts and how this has shaped the speech and language. The auditory atmosphere of the primates includes vocalizations that are produced by conspecific individuals and those vocalizations are known as conspecific vocalizations (CV). The non-human primates tend to have a rich vocal repertoire through which they interact and talk with other members belonging to their social group. They also use them for alarm calls and territorial calls and many have such loud voices that they can also be heard at a distance. These individuals may have different sorts of vocalizations and sounds depending on their size, type, and habitat. They are exposed daily to several CVs from different callers. On the contrary, in modern societies of humans, there are voices everywhere. These voices are present physically in the form of individual conversations and interactions

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research on Utamilla Religion Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Utamilla Religion - Research Paper Example 98), which acknowledges faith in single creator as well as in the reappearance of the spirit following death, in addition to the pure harmony among individuals and the earth. The actual groups survived through hunting, fishing, collecting other foodstuffs and creating medications. Besides, they participated in trade with other groups that expanded from the â€Å"Pacific shoreline to Great Plains† (Trafzer, p. 122). The Umatilla clan is among the three indigenous American ethnic groups, together with the ‘Cayuse’ and ‘Walla Walla’, which reside on the ‘Umatilla Indiana Reservation’ in United States. The ethnic groups started during 1855 via terms of an agreement with the United States government. During the year 1949, the Umatilla, Cayuse, and Walla Walla created a distinct ethnic government. In the present day, there are over 3000 members of the associated ethnic groups of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The Umatilla clan indicates towards the â€Å"Columbia as the Big River† (Trafzer, p. 101) and traditionally shared it with quite a lot of other native clans of individuals, together with those with whom they currently create the associated ethnic groups. The three clans speak the Sahaptin language, despite the fact that there were individual dialects. The Umatilla clan resided on both sides of the Big River and had family unit, business, as well a s financial dealings with the other ethnic groups beside the river. Only during the initial phase of the 21st century, the people of the Umatilla clan discarded the wandering way of life that incorporated travelling for hunting as well as fishing sites in an annual cycle. The conventional foodstuffs of the Umatilla clan were â€Å"salmon, roots, and deer† (Trafzer, p. 139); residing in longhouses, the clan’s â€Å"tent type shelter could be up to 80 feet (24 m) long† (Trafzer, p. 139). The introduction of the horse, which Europeans started in the Americas by the last part of the 15th century, expanded the clans' mobility as well as scope, and enhanced business by growing link with the area’s other clans. Near the start of the 19th century, the encroachment of non-Indian foreigners as â€Å"trappers, missionaries, settlers and U.S. soldiers† (Trafzer, p. 167), transformed the terrain and considerably influenced the clans' life ways. Earlier than the beginning of European power as well as ailments, the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla people were thought to be around 10000. By the 21st century, successors would make up almost one third of that figure. During the year 1855, the ethnic groups as well as the U.S. Government, discussed a contract that let United States to officially claim the terrain and open the gate for pioneers to reside there. The ethnic groups abandoned the majority of their 6.4 million acres for a reserved area of 2.5 million acres. The three ethnic groups as well reserved privileges within the contract that incorporated the right to fish on their usual spots and to hunt as well as collect conventional foods along with medications on ceded terrains. The ethnic groups as well reserved forever, their rights to retain independence. As a result of ‘congressional legislation’ during the last phase of 19th century, the 2.5 million acre reservation was decreased to its existing 172,000 acres (Trafzer, p. 197). The family units of the Umatilla clan were broadened and usually had a large number of relatives, staying in single home. Males were mainly in charge of hunting, creating warheads as well as tools, and taking care of the horses. Females were in charge of food preparation and stitching cloths. Females as

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Reason Why Public Service Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Reason Why Public Service Matters - Essay Example Public service benefits society as a whole because everyone gains something out of it. Typically, the people performing public service are on the upper end of the rich scale, while those receiving the services are on the lower end. This does not mean they poorer people do not deserve public service being performed for them—after all, they pay their taxes just like everyone else. In every free and fair society, there are certain conditions that every person needs to live by. Public service can benefit society because the public’s interest is at heart. Public service also matters because it helps those who perform it to feel uplifted. There is no greater feeling that volunteering your time and doing something for someone else for no particular reason. Most likely, the person on the receiving end will feel very grateful for what has been done for them, and the public service doer feels rewarded for their efforts. If people who are performing public service feel appreciated for the work that they are doing, then they will likely help the community again in the future. If everyone participates in public service, then not too much is required of any one individual. Lastly, public service matters because it can really change another person’s life. Very often public service is performed for those who are in need. Even though the task performed for them may not seem like much, it may make a world of difference in the life of the person receiving it. If that person is feeling negative towards the rest of society, then they may rediscover the belief in mankind. This positivity can be applied in other areas of their life and the person can make significant changes. Above all, the person who is receiving the public service may feel compelled to help out someone else in need someday.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sita Tours And Travels Tourism Essay

Sita Tours And Travels Tourism Essay The Tourism Industry is a flourishing all over the world. The scenario of the tourism industry is ever changing; it is always in a state of flux. Tourism Industry in India is experiencing a high period of growth and has improved over the years however there is still a lot of scope for improvement and expansion. It is fast becoming an important player in the global market. It is also proven that tourism is the industry that contributes most to the Indian GDP, employment and foreign exchange reserves. The tourism industry proves to be the back-bone of other allied sectors for example, hospitality, transport, handicrafts, etc. According to WTTC, in 2011, India has been ranked 1st in direct contribution to employment through travel and tourism and 2nd in total contribution with monetary value of 24974900 jobs and 39351900 respectively. Also in terms of GDP, India ranks 11th in direct contribution and 12th in total contribution  [2]  . The Indian Government has invested a substantial amount in infrastructure development to promote tourism for the country after sensing the importance in the GDP contribution. This effort has been successful to an extent in increasing the arrival of foreigners in the last decade. The Incredible India campaign was also a contributing factor to the increase in tourism. The campaign helped create a colorful and diverse image of India in the minds of travel enthusiasts all over the world. It has directly led to an increase in the interest among tourists and created interest generally around the world. WTTC (World Travel and tourism Council) ranked India 4th  in terms of travel and tourism investment with a total of $ 26.7 billion  [3]  . Also (in Asia), after China, India stands second. In 2006, 4 million international tourists visited India and spent US $ 8.9 bn  [4]  . In 2011 (Jan-June), the total Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India was 2.92 million and foreign exchange revenues stood at US$ 78.11 billion which is up 14.2%  [5]  . As a matter of fact, in spite of a negative growth rate of -2.2% in 2008-09  [6]  , Foreign Tourist Arrivals increased considerably which registered a growth rate of 8.1% in 2009-10  [7]  , despite the world recession, Indian tourism showed a positive growth. According to World Travel and Tourism Council, India will be a tourism hot spot between the years 2009 -2018 which will show maximum growth rate during this period. Nowhere in the world is found, such a beauty, different and diversified climate, flora, fauna, religions, languages, dialects, dressing patterns, life style and rituals, like India.  [8]   Domestic tourism is also very huge in the GDP contribution in the country. There is still a lot of scope in promoting the tourism in many parts of the country. Since tourism is seasonal, it is slightly difficult for the Tourism Department, Government of India. It is Indias middle class that has promoted the tourism in the country. The increase in disposal income among this class of people has contributed to rise in tourism within the country. Consequently, they spend most of their disposable income on travelling. In 2009, there were 669.02 million domestic tourists which comprised about 18.8% of the total tourists in the country. The Indians going abroad is also increasing at a growth rate of 12.28 % per annum. Scope of Tourism According to the past trends, India has seen to contribute 0.5% to the global tourism industry. There is still a lot of scope for businesses to tap the market. India has a very diverse geography, culture, food, monuments and a rich past. The Incredible India campaign was promoted in order to attract various interests from tourists all over the globe in the varied types of tourism that has a scope for development and promotion. In recent times, Pilgrimage and Medical Tourism are one of the most popular among the foreign tourists. Medical tourism is currently growing at around 30% per annum. The other types of tourism are Adventure Tourism Leisure Tourism Eco Tourism Cultural Tourism Wildlife Tourism Highway Tourism Heritage Tourism Rail Tourism Rural Tourism An Indian Background chairman of the company, in 1956 established the first office in New Delhi, India. Company wanted to take the benefits of the religious beliefs attached with their companys name SITA in India. It is still associated with high quality and brand.   In 2000, Kuoni Travel Holding, a Switzerland based tourism firm acquired the 100 % stake of SITA World Travel India (Ltd.) and it became Indias largest travel company as Kuoni Travel India Ltd. Now, SITA World Travel is an Inbound Division of the Kuoni Travel India Ltd. And It is handling incoming international tourist to India from all over the world through a network of 30 offices in the region including associate offices in Sri Lanka and Nepal. SITA earned its reputation by giving world class services to its clients travelers, tour operators and the corporate houses. Also it has specialized itself by providing personalized service and close working relationship with its customers around the world. Factors which affect travel destination selection  [9]   Things to do and see Safety and security Overall image of the holiday destination Tourist facilities and infrastructure Ease of obtaining Visas SWOT Analysis Strength: Mass market product with small profit margin and economic of scale to create profit even though demographics and changing consumer trends Training academy Providing customized packaged tours Personalized customer support Online booking of packages Offices in major cities of India Weakness: People expectation has changed but their packaged tour has not changed Price of hotel is rising: no solution between cutting slim margin and rising price to customers Limited only to main destination spots, needs to cover more ground Proper feedback system not in place Opportunity: People go on holiday more than before Travelers want exotic destinations or short city breaks Increase in number of tourists because of upcoming sports event Government lending support as part of Incredible India campaign Increase in disposable income Threats: Heavy Price competition People wait till last minute for bargaining Rising hotel rates all over the world General economic slowdown and terrorist attacks Locally established travelling companies PEST Analysis Political The strongest reason of tourists visiting India is its rich and vast cultural heritage which is under the control of Archaeological Survey of India. So any changes in policy have a very major impact on the tourism industry. Political instability in many states also hinders the tourism opportunities. E.g. north east is still out of coverage of SITA travels because of this very reason. Although the government is now taking up various measures like stepping up vigilance in major tourist destinations in order to promote India as a safe tourist destination. Economic This industry thrives on the spending power of the people. The spending power is increasing in the country as well as all over the world. This increase in the spending power has left a good amount of idle cash in hand. This has led to a tourism boom and more and more people are now coming into the country with more cash and better affordability. Social Tourism is seen as something that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the social fabric. It is perceived that more the number of people travelling into a place, the more is the probability of the place to lose its identity. But apart from that people have now started perceiving tourism as a form of recreation. They are now more willing to go for packages like adventure tourism to Leh and Lakshadweep. Technology Although it is does not seem to be great factor but it plays a major role. Better technology has resulted in connecting many remote and unexplored areas. On the same terms online booking and transportation facilities provided by SITA travels have increased their number of clients. PORTERs Five Forces Model Threat of New Entrants As the search cost has been reduced due to the advent of internet it opens up the market for potential entrants, thereby increasing the possibility of a new company joining the market as the entry barrier has been reduced. Rivalry among Existing Firm within the Industry The major competitors of SITA Travels in India are Kesari Tours, Cox Kings India Ltd As the number of companies is increasing due to the advent of internet and the competition is increasing because of geographical expansion of markets and the reduction of entry barrier, thereby raising the rivalry and hence increasing the discount. Power of Supplier Entry barrier reduction and increased competition results in the increase of the power of supplier. Power of Buyer Reduction in switching costs has increased the bargaining power of the buyer. Price has become an important criterion as people now can compare products and gain knowledge about them. Threat of Substitutes Competitors offer similar type of products and services. Segmentation Tourism (Inbound and Outbound tourism) Segmentation types: Psychographic segmentation (Class), Behavioral segmentation (User status: First time, Regular, Potential). SITA is a large segment market addressing the customer needs of the international tourists. Targeting International Tourism: Initially tourists from USA are targeted, as SITA has stronger links with USA (Origin). Later they focused on other international markets like UK, Japan and Hong Kong. They have started a magazine called INDRAMA. This magazine portrays the rich tourist literature there by attracting foreign tourists to India). The idea of Heritage village further helped them to become a better tourism facilities provider. Inbound and outbound tourists are the tourist types of International tourism. Market growth of inbound and out bound tourists: Outbound market: The primary target market segment is out bound tourism. Overall Market: The total market size of the out bound tourism in 2010 is 12 million. It is expected to cross 20 million by 2015 and 50mn by 2020 (Source: UNWTO); more than 6.29 million tourists visited India in 2011. The total revenues of the out bound travel market is $14bn in 2010  [10]  . The Indian outbound travel market has grown from 3.7 million in 1997 to 9.8 million international departures in 2007; the pace of growth has accelerated since 2004 at an average annual growth rate of over 16%  [11]   Inbound market: Overall Market share: The total market size of inbound tourism is 6.18 million with a growth rate of 8.9%.The total revenues generated rounds off to US$ 16.691 billion. Competitive Intensity: The major competitors of SITA Travels in India are Kesari Tours, Cox Kings India Ltd which has more share than SITA while the others are Thomas Cook India Ltd, Karnataka State Tourism Development, Mercury Travels Ltd, Raj Travels Tours Ltd, D Pauls Travel Tours, Sachin Travels and Goa Tourism Development. High budget Customers: The program Affordable India targets the High budget segment tourists who come to Indian subcontinent. This program provides value added services to high budget travelers in order to customize destinations which were luxurious and affordable  [12]   Positioning strategies Indias first Leisure travel brand(Luxury segment) (Jan 2006) Tourist Safety with SITA (Mumbai) ( 2006) Indias Destination management service provider ( June 2006) Indias tourist destination for Business travel (Kuoni Business travel) (Feb 2007) Tourism education (Kuoni Academy) (May 2007) Young achievers Out learn , Outdoor school trips ( 2009-2010) Perfect moments with Kuoni (2011-2012). This program covers 3 packages The world is mine; Romantic escapes; undiscovered destination Uniform service :Accommodation, updating tourism infrastructure, travel related equipments same in all the offices to maintain uniform service Enpact ( 2011- 2012; Kuoni Academy: Pioneers to introduce a new teaching methodology Out of the ordinary tours for everyone (2012) ( Targeting individuals and small groups) Responsible tourism ( 2012) ( Thru CSR activities) Indian travel brand which is focused on the luxury segment, Incentive, Trade Fair tours and Sports Tourism Departments In order to meet the tourists demand of visiting various places, SITA has tie ups with local agencies. The services offered by the local agencies are meeting passengers on arrival/ departure, arranging local sightseeing and transport. SITA is maintaining a wide agency network to handle inbound and out bound tourism. The tourism department in SITA is divided in to two sectors as below: Inbound tours: This is the main foreign exchange earnings department of SITA. The marketing for this segment is done through various ways as below: Brochure Tours: Marketing in the form of brochures ( Tour plans in brochure) Tailor made tours: Customers design their tour Special interest tours: Organized by companies and other agencies Conferences and conventions: Arranging travel, registration facilities, accommodation arrangements, conference facilities, entertainment and leisure activities. Out bound tours: This is one of the fast growing tourism segment markets in India. Indians are the target customers in this segment. With an increase in the income level of the people, they are showing interest in visiting other countries. The tourist destination for the Indians is primarily USA and Europe  [13]   Indian out bound travel market is 3.7 mn in 1997. Currently it is 13mn (2011-2012) Estimated $28billion revenue in the year 2020. Fastest growing out bound market in the world in terms of numbers (After china) SITA Out bound tourism marketing Major sources of marketing are through brochures and advertisements in the newspapers Out bound division of SITA received TAAI travel award for 2011  [14]  . MARKETING MIX PRODUCT (Services Brand) While planning the market offering, SITAs marketers focused on five elements that constitute its customers value hierarchy: Core Products Destinations are the core products offered by any tour operator. Those offered by SITA are classified into: Inbound Leisure: SITAs major portion of foreign exchange is earned by this group. These destinations are designed to focus on leisure while travelling. Apart from must-do destinations these include tailored tours such as Cultural and Heritage Tours, Trekking and mountaineering Tours, Wildlife holidays, wellness and spa holidays, etc. Individual Travel: SITA has maintained an unparalleled expertise in customizing travel packages for foreign tourists or working professional expecting a well-tailored itinerary which optimizes their time and ensures that all arrangements are in order. Incentive Travel: Handled by: Distant Frontiers Designed for large companies to motivate or stimulate their employees Briefs are taken from each group, tailored to suit their needs and surpass their expectations by offering them special events planned exclusively for each travel group Post-trip follow-up approach to stay in touch with the customer and ensure a re-visit Main destinations include: India Nepal Sri Lanka Bhutan M.I.C.E.: Meetings Incentives Conferences Exhibitions SITA is a member of: The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) a worldwide body that handles all types of International Meetings and Exhibitions The India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) The Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE) Charters: Leading player in India with the largest number of charters to Goa and Trivandrum Handles leading charter operations from the UK, Germany, Russia, Poland, and various CIS countries. Cruises: Major players in Cochin, Chennai, Goa, and Mumbai Shore Excursions- Regular sight-seeing trips Overland Tours- Designed to explore the deep interiors of India Adventures: Camel Safaris, cycling, trekking, scuba-diving, rafting, biking, mountaineering holidays designed especially for intrepid travelers Basic Products Transport Ground transportation Flight reservations Train reservations Accommodation Culture cuisines Special arrangements- Like Womens Group, Senior Citizens Tours, etc Conferences and Events- In collaboration with MICE Ground assistance Meet Greet services Tour Guides Tour Escorts Expected Products These are impeccable services for corporate clients like: Seat availability  on needed time Accurate information Quick check-in for the senior management Information about various package and routes to a particular destination Efficient customer support system Augmented Products These are the products that distinguish SITA from others. These may include special facilities like Wi-Fi availability throughout the journey, tele-checking, laptops on request, customized meals, etc. Potential Products SITA plans to come-up with underwater tourism very soon. PLACE SITA has its own branches situated throughout India hence are easily accessible. The customer can either go to the Tour office or plan a tour online. Hence strategic locations are very important for SITA. North India: Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Gurgaon, Varanasi, Udaipur South India: Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Trivandrum, Hyderabad West India: Mumbai, Goa PROMOTION The promotional strategies employed by SITA travels are: Advertising Publicity Sales promotions Personalized products such as Flight bags, wallets, Foreign Exchange and covers of passport, etc Word-of-mouth Promotion Credibility: The high magnitude of this is due to high credibility of SITAs channel, especially in the eyes of the potential tourists. Sensitivity: The qualities of services they promise are world-class and client-oriented Approach: The marketers keep their eyes open Æ’Â   identify the opinion leaders Æ’Â  Special facilities for them to keep stimulating and creating demand Personal Selling Exhibitions- State and national tour packages, cruises, holiday financing, hotels, educational excursions, etc E-Marketing Twitter LinkedIn- Facebook- CSR Activities- Responsible Tourism Spiti Initiative- To build a Solar Bath for a Buddhist nunnery in Spiti Child Protection- Carries out workshops to protect children in rural and semi-urban parts of the country. Also offers training to children in various educational fields. Literacy India Program- Has an independent paper recycling unit where women work to earn their living. Bihar Flood Relief- Using its transportation system, it worked closely with Goonj to dispatch necessities to the flood affected areas in Bihar Lets Go Green- Implemented across all offices through posters and Green Utility trays. Creative Alliance Network- promotes responsible tourism practices amongst the businesses that benefit from Rajasthans rich cultural environment. PEOPLE Employees Well versed with the latest technologies in travel management Well trained to handle difficult customers Extensive training programs- SITA Travel Tourism Academy Training on courses conducted by WATA, PATA High credence quality via Good work place design Job Design Other Customers Caters to customers from diverse backgrounds by offering First class, Deluxe, or Luxury preferences SITA Travels Online support Unique Tours and value-added services Personalized customer support Bibliography World Tourism Organization and the European Travel Commission. (2009). Retrieved from Indian Tourism Department. (2010). Retrieved from Kuoni. (2011, December). Retrieved from SITA World Tours. (2012, January 20). Retrieved from EconomyWatch. (2010, June 30). Economy Watch. Retrieved from Mol, A. (n.d.). Preserve Articles. Retrieved from Olivia Ruggles-Brise, E. A. (2012). World Travel Tourism Council. Retrieved from Prof. Manjula Chaudhary, D. S. (2011, August). Indian Institute of Tourism Travel Management. Retrieved from IITTM website: Reshma S Kulkarni, S. S. (2011, November 26). The Hindu. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Presidents And Affirmative Action :: essays research papers

Presidents and Affirmative Action In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order #11246 at Howard University that required federal contractors to undertake affirmative action to increase the number of minorities that they employ. He wanted to ensure that minorities were recruited to have real opportunities to be hired and then eventually get a promotion. In 1969, the Department of Labor exposed widespread racial discrimination of the Construction Department so President Richard M. Nixon decided to encorporate a system of "goals and timetables" to evaluate federal construction companies according to affirmative action. This idea of "goals and timetables" provided guidelines for companies to follow and comply with affirmative action regulations. During the presidency of Gerald R. Ford, he extended affirmative action to people with disabilities (3) and Vietnam veterns (4) but there were no goals or timetables for these two groups. This type of affirmative action required recruitment efforts, accessability, accommodation and reviews of physical and mental job qualifications. President Jimmy Carter consolidated all federal agencies that were required by law to follow the affirmative action play into the Department of Labor. Before Carter did this, each agency handled affirmative action in its own individual way, some were not as consistant as other agencies were. He created the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP) in 1978 to ensure compliance with the affirmative action policies. Affirmative action began to go downhill when Ronald Reagan and later George Bush came into office. Affirmative action lost some gains it had made and was mor or less ignored by the Republicans in the White House and in Congress. Affirmative action was silently being "killed" by our federal administrators. But among this destruction there was one positive aspect, the passage of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (5). Finally to the Presidency of Bill Clinton. The Republicans are attempting to scare people into changing their party lines by misusing affirmative action. They are saying that affirmative action is nothing more than a quota (6) or reverse discrimination (7).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Questions on The Storm by Kate Chopin

The short story was first published in The Complete Works of. You can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on the Themes page of this site. The Storm was written by Kate Chopin on July 19, 1898. The theme of Kate Chopin's short story, The Storm, is based on adultery. The Storm by Kate Chopin Study Guide Summary and Themes in Chopin's Short Story The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin? â€Å"The Storm† themes. Therese Lafirme in At Fault; at Calixta in â€Å"The Storm,† Louise Mallard in â€Å"The Story. How does Kate Chopin reveal character in â€Å"The Storm†. Scholars and critics have been writing about Kate Chopin's subjects and themes for. In the short story â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin the setting supports the theme; just because you are married to someone it does not mean that you continue to love them. Set in the early 1900's with two main characters, Calixta, and Alcee. What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story. Chopin uses the theme of forbidden love to tell a story that is. Socratic Seminar Questions Through her stories, Kate Chopin wrote her own autobiography. In Kate Chopin's story â€Å"The Storm,† sex is a crucial part of the story. Books By Genre, Theme & The best The Theme of love in â€Å"the Storm† – Kate Chopin Degree Essay & Coursework help including documents Marked by Lecturers and Peers. An examination of the primary themes in the famous work of fiction, The Storm by Kate Chopin. You can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on the Themes page of this site. Set in the early 1900's with two main characters, Calixta, and Alcee. In Kate Chopin's story â€Å"The Storm,† sex is a crucial part of the story. Chopin uses the theme of forbidden love to tell a story that is. The Storm by Kate Chopin Study Guide Summary and Themes in Chopin's Short Story The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin? â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball† (prequel to â€Å"The Storm†). Kate Chopin The theme of Kate Chopin's short story, The Storm, is based on adultery. Sex theme analysis by Ph. D. and Masters students from. Scholars and critics have been writing about Kate Chopin's subjects and themes for over fifty years. The Storm? , Chopin not only creates the perfect setting but also. The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm,† by Kate Chopin. Kate Chopin, â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball,† implied throughout. Kate Chopin JenniP on John Updike? s A & P: Analysis & Theme; Anya on The Lymphatic System. Sex theme analysis by Ph. D. and Masters students from. The Storm Study Guide > The Storm Questions > What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm,† by Kate Chopin. The Storm† time and place The story is set in the late nineteenth century at Friedheimer's store in Louisiana, and at the nearby house of Calixta and Bobinot. â€Å"The Storm† themes Unlike most of Kate Chopin's short stories and both her novels, this story was not published until the 1960s, many years after it was written. Apparently Chopin did not submit it to magazines because she understood that no editor at the time would publish a work as sexually explicit as this one. Per Seyersted, a Chopin biographer, writes that â€Å"sex in this story is a force as strong, inevitable, and natural as the Louisiana storm which ignites it. The conclusion of the story, Seyersted adds, is ambiguous, because Chopin â€Å"covers only one day and one storm and does not exclude the possibility of later misery. The emphasis is on the momentary joy of the amoral cosmic force. † In this story, Seyersted says, Kate Chopin â€Å"was not interested in the immoral in itself, but in life as it comes, in what she saw as natural–or certainly inevitable–expressions of universal Eros, inside or outside of marriage. She focuses here on sexuality as such, and to her, it is neither frantic nor base, but as ‘healthy' and beautiful as life itself. Other readers, scholars, and critics have found a host of themes, ideas, and subjects to write about in this story. There are further details in some of the questions and answers below. You can check our lists of books, articles, and dissertations about Chopin at other places on this site. And you can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on our Themes page. When Kate Chopin's â€Å"The Storm† was written and published The story was composed on July 19, 1898. It was first published in The Complete Works of Kate Chopin in 1969. You can find complete composition dates and publication dates for Chopin's works on pages 1003 to 1032 of The Complete Works of Kate Chopin, edited by Per Seyersted (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969, 2006). Questions and answers about â€Å"The Storm† Q: The story's title says it is â€Å"A Sequel to ‘The ‘Cadian Ball. ‘ † Does â€Å"The Storm† stand by itself or does it need to be read with the earlier story? A: It stands by itself, but some scholars have argued that Chopin obviously intended for â€Å"The Storm† to be read with â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball† and that resonance is lost when they are separated (see one of the questions below). The earlier story describes how Calixta came to marry Bobinot and how Alcee came to marry his wife. Some anthologies print â€Å"The Storm† alone. Many print the two stories together. Q: Isn't the phrasing of â€Å"The Storm† sexually explicit for something written in the 1890s? A: Yes, the phrasing is way beyond what any respectable American magazine, even a comparatively advanced magazine like Vogue (in which Kate Chopin published nineteen stories), would have printed at the time. From everything we can tell, Chopin did not try to send â€Å"The Storm† out to editors. The story was not published until 1969, sixty-five years after Chopin's death. Q: So readers at the time were uptight about explicit sex in short stories? A: By the standards of most twenty-first-century American or European magazine readers, yes. But unlike today's countless magazines often selling to small, closely-focused segments of the population, American national magazines in the late nineteenth century usually appealed to broader, more heterogeneous audiences. Many, if not most, magazines of the time were viewed by children as well as adults, so editors needed to keep in mind the tastes and preferences of the people who bought their publications and, perhaps, shared them with their families. Q: What kind of relationship exists between Calixta and Alcee? What can you infer from their past? A: Much depends on whether you think of the two as characters who exist only in â€Å"The Storm† or if you see them as characters who exist also in â€Å"At The ‘Cadian Ball. Assuming you are looking at both stories: as we explain on the page for the earlier story, Alcee and his wife Clarisse are Creoles, descendants of French settlers in Louisiana. Calixta and her husband Bobinot are Acadians, descendants of French-American exiles from Acadia, Nova Scotia, who were driven from their homes by the British in 1755. Most of the Creoles in Kate Chopin's stories are comparatively wealthy, usually landowners or merchants. Most of the Acadians (or ‘Cajuns) in the stories are much poorer, living off the land, farming or fishing or working for the Creoles. So on the basis of the two stories together, you could describe Calixta as coming from a different social class than Alcee, and you could say that it's in good part because of that difference in class that Calixta and Alcee are married to other people. And you could add that, unlike anyone else in either story, Calixta comes in part also from a Spanish-speaking cultural background (her mother is Cuban) and so, as Kate Chopin presents her, she has different ways of behaving, more sensual ways of expressing her sexuality–which is partly why she is so attractive for both Alcee and Bobinot. As everyone in the earlier story understands, she's not like the other Acadian girls. In brief, Calixta is an Acadian influenced by Cuban culture who had been attracted to Alcee–and he to her–long before either of them was married (they had some passionate moments together one summer in Assumption Parish, moments that apparently scandalized some people). Calixta married Bobinot, the earlier story suggests, because Alcee was not available as a marriage partner–at least partly because his Creole family, and certainly Clarisse, think of him as coming from a comparatively higher social class. Lisa A Kirby discusses this subject at length in Kate Chopin in the Twenty-First Century. Q: I've read an article about â€Å"The Storm† that suggests Calixta has some African-American blood. Is that right? A: No. Her mother is Cuban. Everyone in the community thinks of her as Acadian with some Spanish blood. As the prequel to this story phrases it, â€Å"Any one who is white may go to a ‘Cadian ball, but he must pay for his lemonade, his coffee and chicken gumbo. And he must behave himself like a ‘Cadian. † Q: Would you describe what looks to me like an odd sort of connection between Chopin's short story â€Å"A Shameful Affair† and her stories â€Å"At The ‘Cadian Ball† and â€Å"The Storm†? A: Perhaps it's not so odd a connection. â€Å"A Shameful Affair† is an earlier Chopin story, is set in Missouri rather than in Louisiana, and does not involve Creole or Acadian society. But in some ways it's similar to Chopin's two more famous works in its focus on a man and woman attracted to each other but restrained by the sexual norms of the times. Mildred and Fred are wealthy, educated people who, because of late nineteenth-century norms, keep their sexual feelings towards others, especially others of their own class, under very tight control. It was, however, common for an upper-class man to have a â€Å"fling,† as Chopin calls it in â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball,† with a woman of a lower social class. An upper-class woman would not likely have a fling with a lower-class man. But Chopin in this story reverses those male/female roles. Until Mildred gets the letter from her friend (after she and Fred kiss) she does not realize that Fred is from her own class. But he's a handsome, sexually powerful guy, and it's nice–and, she thinks, safe–for her to flirt a little with him. Fred understands who Mildred is (it's not clear if he realizes that she does not know who he is), but he's on the farm precisely to get away from the norms of his class. He likes being a working-class guy at times, and he avoids contact with Mildred. But when she seeks him out him at the river, he passionately kisses her. Then, remembering himself, he flees, like Alcee Laballiere flees from Calixta in Assumption.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Police Brutality Essay Example

Police Brutality Essay Example Police Brutality Essay Police Brutality Essay Over the past five centuries, black people have endured violence in many different ways. Today, police officers use deadly, excessive force that leads to inexcusable assaults, beatings and shootings. This demonstrates the governmentÐ ¢s role in initiating and prolonging racial suppression and provides the explanation for police brutality to become a federal crime(Black Radical Congress, 3). In history, racist violence, police brutality, has been used to suppress the racial blacks and to preserve power and privileges for the white race. This was done for five primary purposes. First, it has forced black people into slavery or low wage situations. Secondly, to steal land and other resources. A 3-rd was to maintain social control. A fourth purpose was to eliminate conflict in politics, social life, and employment. Lastly, the fifth purpose was to unite white people across the ethnic, class, and gender boundaries. However, after the Emancipation, lynching became a prominent form of violence used against the blacks. The use of lynching was a means of controlling and putting fear into the blacks, making them afraid to go against anything the white man said or authorized. In the mid 1900’s, race riots and lawful executions began to replace the practice of lynching. This became the new method of social control and white supremacy could be controlled through racial discrimination. Harassment and discrimination are two other forms of violence, they have been practiced for many centuries and are still being practiced today as a means of control. The practice of police brutality has a strong affect on a main segment of the American population. Those affected are minorities and the elderly causing them to have strong hatred towards the whites in America. Police Brutality is abuse by law enforcement, where a police officer feels that because he/ she has a badge and a gun therefore it puts them above the law and they can use unnecessary force against another individual. Police Brutality is not a new issue; it has become more focused on recently due to some cases that have occurred in the past few years that have been highly publicized. The abuse used by police officers is a serious offense that violates a persons human and civil rights. These violations are seen nationwide to the inority community and are committed by various police officers that fail to receive punishment for their action. The Civil Rights Act â€Å"provides protection to those persons wronged by the misuse of power, possessed by the virtue of state law and made [it] possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state law†. There is a violation of the fourth amendment when innocent people become victims of police brutality. Many minoritie s are stopped because they are driving a luxury car. They are assumed to be either drug dealers or a criminal. The protection of the fourth amendment, however, is shrinking; it can only be used with the presence of a warrant (Meeks, 9). The presence of the warrant keeps from unlawful police searches and abuse to occur. Racial profiling is the more common form of police brutality. This is the most frequent violation of the fourth amendment. It is the tactic of stopping someone because of his or her skin color. Racial profiling mainly targets young Black and Latino men and is believed to be a justified form of law enforcement. In other words, it is a form of legal prejudice that occurs daily nationwide. Although, there are many questionable areas in racial profiling that cannot be avoided nor proven. First, it is difficult to prove, in a majority of cases there is no evidence and the police officers can claim the stop to be a routine traffic stop. An example of this is when a black person is pulled over for a traffic violation the type of vehicle is first determined and then their skin color. A majority of Blacks and Latinos drive either flashy or historical vehicles, this determines the ethnicityof the driver. Harassment takes place and no one can prove this but the victim and the police officer. Secondly, the courts have to acknowledge that racial profiling occurred and in most cases this is hard to prove. There are also other forms of racial profiling. In many professions, this type of profiling is used as a form as security. Taxi drivers and security personnel engage in profiling when they feel fearful or threatened. Taxi drivers use this type of judgment when refusing to pick up a customer at night and security guards use it to find suspects while working. Racial profiling is considered to be a profile used by police officers to identify suspicious criminal or violators of the law. A typical profile used is the CARD system. CARD is an acronym for class, age, race, and dress. This system is used to fit individuals into categories for means of identification. The problem with the CARD system is that many minorities fall into this category. This makes them primary targets and poses a problem for some of the white people that also fall into this category. Nevertheless, there are a few positive sides to profiling. For one, it can be considered to be a survival skill, allowing one to see if people are doing justice. Secondly, it puts people on an innate level. Profiling shows signs about people and certain criteria. Lastly, it is not considered to be racism. Police officers who use profiling use it as a tool because they think that they are color blind in certain situations. Police brutality also occurs in prisons where the prisoners are mistreated because it becomes a simple case of authority. Humans have their freedom to express their rights and police brutality violates their human rights. The main targets of police brutality are two third African American or Latino and the majority of the time the officer is white. There are five stages through which force can progress and lead to brutality: Verbal persuasion, unarmed physical force, force using non-lethal weapons, force using impact weapons and deadly force. Enforcement personnel should use the deadly force stage only when an officer’s life or another person’s life is in danger. By having the deadly force stage, the law permits someone to commit a murder, and justifies its use. Many law enforcement officials appear to have a tough exterior towards crime, but are very sensitive to crime on the inside. Police officers build up negative feelings towards certain races, sexes, or religions. Officers tend to get the impression that if one or a few people treat them with disrespect, than other people of that same sex, race, or religion will treat the officer in the same way. Another cause of police brutality and misconduct is the amount of stress that is put upon the law enforcement official. Law enforcement officials who are accused of police brutality are required to attend a civil court hearing with a judge and a jury present. Most of the time the jury will find the officers not guilty, or guilty of a lesser rime. This is true in the case of the officer who used an illegal chokehold on Anthony Bees, a twenty eight-year old Puerto Rican, after Baez’s football hit the patrol car. Baez was killed due to the force of the chokehold, but the officer was found not guilty. However, due to racism and society, the demand of tough treatment towards criminals will encourage police officer s to remain violent. The extent of police brutality can be improved through the training of police officers and racially integrated departments resulting in the decline of police violence. Many ways to correct police misconduct have evolved. Such corrections include sufficient training, recruitment, and integration. In recruitment, tighter screening and background checks could be used to avoid violence and racism to enter into the police force. By means of integration, the presence of more minorities can help to dissolve the hatred towards minorities in the society, giving affirmative action an opportunity to take precedence. Police officers should also be required to go to a class that re-teaches them how to act appropriate in an arrest and other situations. A majority of these police officers also feel as though they did not commit a wrongdoing and that they are innocent. One of the ways to curb police brutality is to implement new laws, to punish the wrong doers that may bring about the decrease in police brutality. Today, officers know that there are laws dealing with etiquette during an arrest, but many do not attempt to apply what they know, and let physical strength, and force overcomes them. Also, severe or reasonable consequences should be given to police officers who participate in police brutality. Suspension, verbal reprimands, an investigation, anger management classes, or the loss of their jobs are some consequences that should be given to violating officers. Although there has been some progress and education, training and integration with of the law enforcement population, the are still incidents of racial profiling and police brutality. With continued efforts and corrections of racial injustices, this type of abuse and punishment will lessen when the law moves more towards the justice for minorities.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gun Control and the NRA essays

Gun Control and the NRA essays Gun control laws in the United States are far less strict than any other laws around the world. In public opinion polls, a majority of United States citizens (60%) throughout the nation, say there should be more strict gun control laws. Still, in the United States, such laws have not been effectively put into action due to the effective lobbying of the National Rifle Association. Opponents of stricter gun control laws, including the nearly 3 million members of the National Rifle Association, have strong beliefs. They strongly believe that under the Second Amendment, The Right to Bear Arms, that there would be no exceptions. With this, that mean the government has no authority to take away the right to bear arms to any American citizen qualifying for this right. The National Rifle Association argues that increased registration and licensing of a gun will have absolutely no effect on crime. A criminal is a criminal, and therefore he has mental problems and he cant process through his head what he is doing. 99% of all handguns bought or sold in the United States have absolutely nothing to do with a violent crime. Many of the citizens buying guns right now are buying them for the first time, and the importance of firearms training is as great as ever. The National Rifle Association has 39,000 certified instructers who teach a full course of training in gun safety and marksmanship. The course receiving the most people right now is in Personal Pretection. Focusing on the defensive use of a handgun as a last-resort option, the Personal Protection course addresses topics such as firearm selection, defensive shooting techniques and the legal morals of using a firearm for self-defense. The National Rifle Associations Refuse To Be A Victim Program also provides valuable counsel on crime-prevetion strategies. In a nationwide series of lectus, certified instructers explain helpful steps citizens can take to i ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Research Paper - Essay Example Exchange of a commodity between individuals with the aim of deriving mutual benefits or with profit motif is one of the available definitions for the term business. The definition however extends to multiple transactions and disqualifies isolated transactions, such as a single exchange in a person’s life, as business. A single exchange transaction or just a few number of exchange transactions like three times in a person’s lifetime, for instance, does not identify the individual as a businessperson and therefore fails to offer an accurate definition of business. A more accurate definition of business is therefore an activity whose primary objective is wealth creation through exchange of goods and services. This definition separates such transactions as sale of personal property as a disposal strategy because of lack of profit motive. Some examples of activities have also been identified with the definition of business. According to Maheshwari (1997), all activities in t he field of commerce and industrial based activities meets the definition of business and this includes activities in â€Å"basic industries, processing and manufacturing industries and the network of ancillary services, distribution, banking, insurance, transport,† among other sectors (Maheshwari, 1997, 1). ... Its formation is simple, requiring no formalities, and it requires small amount of capital to start because its scope can be narrow. The proprietor also enjoys all the derived profit from the business and has the sole decision making right, a property that allows for faster decisions because there is no consultation obligations. Sole proprietorships however faces a number of challenges such as difficulty to raise sufficient capital for ventures, limited sources of capital because of lack of collaterals, and lack of specialization that limits quality of goods or services from a sole proprietorship business (Kelly and McGowen, 2010; Gitman and McDaniel 2008). Lack of expertise in management and service delivery possibility of the proprietor overworking himself are other limitations of the form of business. The business’ life is also limited to the life of the owner (Schneeman, 2012; Miller, n.d.). Partnership is another form of organization for business activities and defines a group of individuals, normally between two and twenty people, with a common objective of making profit. The form of business has advantages such as a wider capital base from members’ contribution, possibility of rich skills and experience from members that can be organized into specialization, rich sources of ideas for decision-making. Members also share losses and this facilitates continuity because of reduced impacts (Pride, Hunges and Kapoor, 2010; Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2010). Disadvantages however include sharing of profits, lengthy decision-making processes that may also experience disagreements and unlimited liability of business partners (Sutherland and Canwell, 2008). Cooperatives have such advantages as low operation

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 91

Essay Example The methodology includes quotations, plagiarism, citation, parody, textual, imagery, and metaphor. The drive behind adopting intertextuality can be varying and diverse. It can be used to propagate an acclaimed theory, quote someone’s exclusive thoughts to make a point, or to promote and popularise cultural orientation and fashion/ lifestyles of different regions. Intertextuality is also applied to explain certain ambiguous concepts of any literary or artistic work. Furthermore, it can be adopted to present a brand-new perspective on an existing work. Sudha Shastri provided a perfect example of intertextuality by pointing out the fact that Jean Rhys wrote â€Å"Wide Sargasso Sea† (1966) to present a neutral and modernized take on Charlotte Bronte’s classic novel â€Å"Jane Eyre† (1847). (2001, p.3) Steven Pressfields The Legend of Bagger Vance (1995) borrowed its plot from the epic Hindu verse Bhagvad Gita. (Byrd, 2007, p.3) Similarly Jane Austen’s m asterpiece literature Emma was the influencing factor behind Amy Heckerling’s year 1995 movie Clueless. (Baker, 2008, p.534) Story sack is an innovative concept to make kids learning process at school fun-filled and effective (Browne, 2007, p.76). It is an over-sized cloth bag that contains additional props related to a story such as audio-visual sources like CDs or DVDs, toys and models of the characters, games, and entertaining activities like jigsaw puzzle or painting related to the story. Chris Dukes writes that it is an interesting way to â€Å"illustrate the story and make shared reading a memorable experience† (2007, p.84). It not only enhances the process of story-telling but teachers, and parents can also aptly utilize the concept of intertextuality to teach kids about numerous other aspects of life like positive virtues, beliefs, and values by opting for making story sacks on intertextual books. For example, biblical stories and their adapted cinematic